At 106, Still ‘Seeing the Good’
Hazel Fleishman has lived through the Spanish flu, World Wars and now Covid. The former city school teacher remains as positive as ever.
The latest news from the New York Jewish Week.
Hazel Fleishman has lived through the Spanish flu, World Wars and now Covid. The former city school teacher remains as positive as ever.
In the Babylonian Talmud (Yoma, 85b), Rabbi Shimon ben Menasya is quoted as saying, “The Torah said: Desecrate one Shabbat on a person’s behalf so that person will observe many Shabbatot.” We have been living our own version of this difficult compromise. The unprecedented, lifesaving shutdown has meant closed synagogue doors and minyans forgone, all […]
Moments of crisis often make us see things through new lenses. And God knows, our world is in a moment of crisis now. I’ve always loved Megillat Rut because of its themes of the power of women’s relationships and the resilience and strength of women. But, this year I find myself focusing on another aspect […]