
The latest news from the New York Jewish Week.

Abe Foxman Helps Met Council Feed Hungry Shoah Survivors

Abraham Foxman, the former national director of the Anti-Defamation League, is coming out of retirement with an ambitious goal: to raise $28 million to feed Holocaust survivors during the pandemic. Foxman will lead the national initiative for the Met Council, the social service agency and the largest distributor of kosher food to New Yorkers living […]


Parshat Devarim: Holy Interruption

After a whirlwind of parshiyot, chagim, global pandemics, and rallying for justice, we have arrived at the beginning of the last stretch, Sefer Devarim, Moshe’s book. Though a man of very few devarim (words), Moshe inserts himself and his own narrative into the Torah, speaking in the first person throughout this parsha. He recaps Bnei […]
