
The latest news from the New York Jewish Week.

A Tribute to Marcel Lindenbaum, z”l

Yetzi’at tzaddik min hamakom oseh roshem (the departure of a holy, righteous person leaves a real impact)—Rashi, Gen. 28:10.  Few people would have described Marcel Lindenbaum in his lifetime as a tzaddik. Marcel exuded joie de vivre, loved the finer things in life, possessed an adventurous spirit. He was a captain of his sailboat, horseback […]


The Kosher Meat Strike That Launched New York City’s Labor Movement

“Brava, Brava Jewish Women,” exclaimed the Jewish Daily Forward headline on May 15, 1902, applauding the “[t]housands and thousands of balaboostas rebelling against the meat fraud” of 1902. Kosher meat wholesalers, decried as “robber barons” by the indignant housewives of the Lower East Side, had hiked up the prices of kosher meat from 12 to […]

Hair Covering: An Issue in the Workplace and Within Oneself

Orthodox girls are raised to be Orthodox women, and Orthodox women get married and, in some circles, cover their hair. Buying a long flowing wig is almost a rite of passage.  I decided to cover my hair because my husband asked me to. His mother, sisters, and sisters-in-law all cover their hair, and in his […]
