All the hot stuff from Broadway to MOMA

Port Town With Deep Sense Of History

Am I in Greece? It’s a question that may flicker through your mind as you drive around Cyprus, where the signs are in Greek and the crumbling, sun-baked ruins evoke the land of Zeus and Zorba. The briny jolt of feta tastes Greek; so does the cool, mineral-scented wine. But there’s something a little bit […]


On Eve Of NYC Show, An Interview With David Broza

On January 7th, 2017 David Broza is preforming at Town Hall in New York City. Broza will begin the show and an additional band member will join him for each song as the show progresses— layering a bolero-style crescendo on the audience. Every newly-introduced musician brings their instrument to a level of expertise and sensory delight. […]

Assisted Laughing: Really Old Jokes For Boomers

Two older men, acquaintances but not really friends, are sitting on a park bench. One turns to the other and says, “Remind me, was it you or your brother who died last winter?” Talk about old jokes… This one may well date back more than 1,700 years, according to William Novak, who included it in […]
