All the hot stuff from Broadway to MOMA


Jessica Chastain On Playing A Holocaust Heroine In ‘The Zookeeper’s Wife’

Strong women are right in actor Jessica Chastain’s wheelhouse. There’s Maya, the fictional CIA agent in “Zero Dark Thirty,” whose work led Seal Team Six to Osama bin Laden; Melissa Lewis, the heroic mission commander who refuses to abandon a teammate in “The Martian,” and Elizabeth Sloan, the accept-no-prisoners Washington lobbyist who takes on the […]

Jessica Biel Discovers That She’s A Little Bit Jewish

The celebrities who appear on genealogy shows are almost invariably in for a surprise, like a criminal in their family tree or a British royal in their web of relatives. Some, like Dustin Hoffman — who broke down in tears on “Finding Your Roots” last year — delve into their Jewish ancestry deeper than they ever have […]
