
EST 1917

French Holocaust denier sentenced to year in jail for inciting anti-Semitism

Alain Soral has multiple convictions for breaking hate speech laws, including on his website.


(JTA) — A French court sentenced far-right Holocaust denier Alain Soral to one year in prison for insulting a judge and making anti-Semitic comments on Soral’s website.

On the site, which is called “Equality and Reconciliation,” Soral wrote that Jews “are manipulative, domineering and hateful,” the French news agency AFP reported from Thursday’s sentencing at the Correctional Tribunal of Bobigny just northeast of Paris.

Soral, 60, has been convicted multiple times of incitement to hatred due to his anti-Semitic comments over the years. His previous conviction was in December in a defamation case. The Paris Court of Appeal slapped him with a $4,500 fine for producing and selling on his website a poster targeting Jews.

“We will continue to prosecute Mr. Soral as long as he makes anti-Jewish remarks,” said attorney Ilana Soskin, representing the International League Against Racism and Anti-Semitism, which brought the latest complaint against Soral.

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