
EST 1917

They Made A Paper Doll Outta Grandpa Bernie


Things are not looking good for Bernie Sanders right now, but that doesn’t mean we’re giving up our commemorative Bernie swag. In particular, we’ll be hanging onto Dover Publications’ set of paper dolls immortalizing the campaign of your favorite Jewish senator from Vermont.

You can suit up the two-dimensional Sanders as a track star at Brooklyn’s James Madison high school, a college student getting ready to march with Dr. King, or, our favorite, bedecked in a “Feel the Bern” apron while manning the grill. (Calling all bad Jews and those who love them: Senator Sanders enjoys pork chops.)

They Made A Paper Doll Outta Grandpa Bernie

With a complete set of Dover’s 2016 election paper dolls, you can, as this writer did, stage imaginary face-offs between Sanders, Trump, and Clinton.

We recommend a rollicking debate in which all of them wear their “best grandparent” outfits, moderated by the family dog.

Photos by Leah Falk

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