
The Israeli Left Calls Home


What if there was a cutting-edge news site that delved into thorny social and political issues in the place you live, covering subjects that no one else covers, with writers you’d love to read, if only you could understand them?

Until last week, that was the case for nearly 8 million Israelis who may be interested in the conversation on their own political left. For four years, the editors of +972 Magazine published only in English, from the heart of the Hebrew City. After seeing enormous growth in readership and influence, and perhaps wanting to see what kind of impact they could have on their home ground, +972 has just launched an original Hebrew version, called Local Call.

Whereas +972, as its name—derived from Israel’s international calling code—suggests, appeals to international readers, Local Call is sparking debate among Israelis. With writers ranging from religious to secular, Palestinian to Israeli, queer, straight, Ashkenazi, and Mizrahi, Local Call’s first week covered everything from the geographic history of shakshuka to a Palestinian’s case for Gazans learning Hebrew.

Check it out. Long-distance charges do not apply.

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