
EST 1917

Doeg the Edomite (and Priest Slayer)


Part 3 of 4 in this week’s “How a Jew Gets Screwed for Eternity” series. 

Doeg wasn’t simply King Saul’s chief herdsman. The notorious Edomite has been regarded by rabbis as one of the greatest scholars of his time. So convincingly intelligent, in fact, that he made all of his interlocutors blush. But, like most holy guys with authority problems, he lacked inward piety.

For one thing, the herdsman had a habit of playing sides. He frequently lauded King Saul’s adversary, the soon-to-be King David, emphasizing the qualities his superior lacked. But that wasn’t the worst of it.

After fleeing from King Saul’s jealous rage, David and his priests arrived in Nob, and took refuge with high priest Ahimelech, to whom he pretended to be on a secret royal mission. When Doeg found out, he called out the priests of Nob for treason, intentionally neglecting to inform King Saul that the priests had been deceived by David and remained, in fact, loyal. Doeg himself had to kill the priests, as none of King Saul’s men could bring themselves to.

And thus, Doeg gave up his share in Olam Ha’ba, the World to Come—but he didn’t just die. God sent three angels of destruction: the first made him forget his knowledge, the second burned his soul, and the third tossed his ashes to the wind.


Read more about the evil Doeg

Brush up on your King Saul

And your King David

Consider the case of Ahitophel, King David’s Betrayer


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