
EST 1917

Bubbe Doubtfire Tells the Weather


This past winter was so toxic it gave us high-grade cabin fever. Because laughter is the best medicine, the Queens-born actor David Krumholtz created Gigi, a kind of Bubbe Doubtfire, to deliver entertaining video shorts nominally about the weather.

Gigi, the most watchable meteorologist since Steve Martin in L.A. Story, uses forecasts as jumping-off points to discuss whatever is on her mind. A recent search for “New York” resulted in her frowning, “No good, I have heartburn,” and launching into a profane tribute to her car, a Jaguar XLK. A query for Topeka, KS, led to reminiscences on her mother, “a sick woman,” while one for Boca Raton, FL, led to a discussion of her sons, one of whom, a well-married lawyer, bought her condo there. The other son has moved to Haiti to “find himself.” (Unfortunately a search for Port-Au-Prince redirects to the same video as Boca—a missed opportunity.) Seek advice on Oslo, Norway, though, and get an earful about borrowing too many ingredients from a neighbor’s kitchen. At least, that was the forecast earlier this week.

Krumholtz in drag looks like Harvey Fierstein and sounds like Dame Edna. At the heart of his satire is love for the bubbes who don’t have podcasts but should.


Watch Steve Martin predicting the weather:

Watch Dame Edna, Gigi’s soul sister:

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