
EST 1917

The Next Best Jewish Idea


Is a thousand bucks all it would take to launch your great Jewish idea into a great Jewish project?

If so, take heart. A new initiative from the Schusterman Philanthropic Network is offering up to 50 grants of $1000 each to fund a wide variety of projects that will have an impact on Jewish communities around the world. And thanks to our partnership with Schusterman, one of you, dear Jewniverse readers, is guaranteed to be selected!

Whether your dreams are culinary (pop-up Kosher Szechuan, anyone? Hasidic kugel?), liturgical (R&B-style “Adon Olam“), romantic (like this proposal for a pluralistic yenta in Cleveland), or athletic (like a Jewish running club in Warsaw), this nice little chunk of change could be enough to, as they say, #makeithappen.

#Makeithappen has gotten so many submissions from so many countries (25 and counting) that the rolling deadline was just extended to January 15. Just specify that you heard about the competition through Jewniverse, and up your chances of being selected. Get thinking, and good luck!

Watch how it works:

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