
The Jewiest Porn You Ever Did See


G-rated Jew porn is a thing. Okay, maybe it’s PG. Regardless, the idea for a Jewish porn site that anyone from your bubbe to a bar mitzvah boy will enjoy—but not like that— came to 23-year-old actress, writer, and director Sarah Rosen.

Rosen told The Huffington Post about her inspiration for Porn4Jews: “I first came up with the idea after reading that Pew study in the NY Times that basically said that American Jews are assimilating more and identifying as Jewish less. My own Jewishness has always been really important to me, and the idea for Porn4Jews came from my wanting to humorously celebrate that.”

Rosen rounded up a bunch of her Jewish friends from all over to participate in the creation of memes with their pictures alongside a pithy and perverted “Jewish” porn joke.

From Israel-themed pickup lines, to an unbound appreciation for your therapist, you’ll likely relate to and want to share these memes with every Jew you know—and every Jew-lover.

Some of our faves:




Check out Porn4Jews for some more smile-inducing posts. And share your taglines for future posts here!


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