
EST 1917

On the Seventh Day, Chill.


We’re accustomed to being wired. We’re reachable 24/7. We work more than full-time for our full-time jobs, and we IM and text our friends instead of just stopping by their houses to say, “What’s up?”

Dan Rollman wants to change that. A member of the nonprofit Jewish network Reboot, he and his friends are asking people to unplug themselves from technology, their wallets, and the daily grind. It’s a modern spin on the ancient notion of a Day of Rest–otherwise known as the Sabbath. Rollman, whose day job is hosting the Universal Records Database, a sort of online Guinness Book, is taking it beyond synagogues and beyond Jews–spreading a message that, in this modern world, the wisdom of Shabbat is needed more than ever.

The National Day of Unplugging will last from sunset on Friday, March 4, through Saturday, March 5. To this end, Reboot has developed ten principles to help you along, everything from “avoid technology” to “connect with loved ones” to “eat bread” and “drink wine.” They’re all aspects of Shabbat that give us respite from the business (and busyness) of our everyday lives, designed to get us back in touch with each other, and with ourselves.

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