House committee urged to steer clear of an amendment on religion By Lauren Stein July 15, 1997 9:00 am
FOCUS ON ISSUES Jews and Christian persecution: Good cause, but faulty legislation By Lauren Stein July 13, 1997 9:00 am
NEWS ANALYSIS Supreme Court ruling prompts question: Where to go from here? By Lauren Stein July 1, 1997 9:00 am
BEHIND THE HEADLINES Most Jewish ethicists relieved by high court ruling on suicides By Lauren Stein June 27, 1997 9:00 am
BEHIND THE HEADLINES Supreme Court blow against RFRA is dubbed justices’ `worst mistake̵ By Lauren Stein June 26, 1997 9:00 am
NEWS ANALYSIS Court ruling on remedial classes could benefit day school students By Lauren Stein June 25, 1997 9:00 am