THE ROAD TO ISRAEL’S ELECTIONS Israeli Arabs mull best chance of swaying vote for new premie By Ellen February 1, 1999 10:00 am
NEWS ANALYSIS Israelis react with caution to Jordan’s decision on new heir By Ellen January 25, 1999 10:00 am
BEHIND THE HEADLINES Two years after Hebron pact, Israelis and Arabs remain wary By Ellen January 19, 1999 10:00 am
NEWS ANALYSIS Arab world weighs its options as Israel campaign season unfolds By Ellen January 11, 1999 10:00 am
NEWS ANALYSIS Continued presence in Lebanon becoming Israeli campaign issue By Ellen January 4, 1999 10:00 am
THE EMERGING CANDIDATES Barak stumps on Shabbat as battle for Arab vote begins By Ellen December 29, 1998 10:00 am
NEWS ANALYSIS Arafat will be major player in Israeli election campaign By Ellen December 22, 1998 10:00 am
BEHIND THE HEADLINES Prisoner issue tops list of Palestinian complaints By Ellen December 15, 1998 10:00 am
NEWS ANALYSIS PNC vote to nullify covenant is recast to Israel’s satisfaction By Ellen December 14, 1998 10:00 am