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Zionist Plans Discussed at Press Meeting

The plans of the World Zionist Executive to carry out the resolutions which were passed at the recent meeting of the Actions Committee of the organization were outlined today at a press conference here. Dr. Nahum Sokolow, president of the World Zionist Organization, Professor Selig Brodetsky, head of the political department in London, and Berl […]

April 13, 1934
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The plans of the World Zionist Executive to carry out the resolutions which were passed at the recent meeting of the Actions Committee of the organization were outlined today at a press conference here. Dr. Nahum Sokolow, president of the World Zionist Organization, Professor Selig Brodetsky, head of the political department in London, and Berl Locker, Laborite member of the Executive, addressed the press conference.

Locker declared that the Actions Committee resolutions had greatly strengthened the position of the Executive and pointed out that as far as the political situation was concerned, Professor Brodetsky and Moshe Shertok of the Jerusalem political department have made no attempt to boast of their achievements, but merely have stated facts, without hiding failures or dangers to be faced. The controversy at the Actions Committee meeting centered around the question of who should conduct Zionist policy, not how to conduct it, Locker said.


Locker disclosed that the half year between September, 1933, and February, 1934, broke all immigration records, with 19,000 legal immigrants entering Palestine during that period. Nevertheless, he pointed out, the World Zionist Executive was deeply concerned lest the opportunities for an even greater flow of Jewish immigrants be lost through the immigration policy of the Palestine government. He declared that the Executive will continue its fight for increased immigration into Palestine.

The Laborite Executive member stressed the importance of the plan for raising a big loan to consolidate the debts of the organization and to make the colonies in Palestine self-sufficient. He said that the reason the plan to form a coalition Executive had failed was due to the fact that the opposition groups had demanded four new members from their ranks, while the Executive had proposed to add one member of the Mizrachi, orthodox Zionists, and one member of the General Zionist oppositionist group. The admission of four new members, Locker said, would have raised the membership of the Executive to seventeen and necessitated the dismissal of two members, which would have undermined the authority of the World Zionist Congress, where the men were elected. The Revisionists, Locker declared, were completely isolated and the oppositionist groups could not find a single action of the Executive that could be questioned on the basis of general Zionist responsibility.

The Executive will continue to regard itself responsible toward the whole movement and will appeal for support from all constructive forces, Locker declared in conclusion.

Dr. Sokolow, who spoke briefly, said that an agreement between the Arabs and the Jews must be reached because the Mandate could not be continued indefinitely. Palestine Jews, the veteran Zionist leader declared, must Orientalize themselves in order to fit better into the Palestinian scheme of things. Better cultural and social relations with the Arabs are imperative, Dr. Sokolow maintained.

Professor Brodetsky appealed to the newspapermen for correct reporting on the Palestinian situation, particularly on the Zionist achievements and prospects. He also urged peace for Palestinian youth, particularly in the schools where the factionalist fight has recently been injected among the children. David Ben Gurion, Eliezer Kaplan and Moshe Shertok answered questions asked by the newspapermen.

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