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Zionist Group Names Irving Miller Candidate for Z.O.A. Predicency

February 14, 1952
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Rabbi Irving Miller was named candidate for presidency of the Zionist Organization of America at a meeting of about 200 Zionist leaders from various parts of the country held at Hotel Astor, under the chairmanship of Abraham Goodman, Z.O.A. vice-president.

The meeting, which was addressed by Dr. Emanuel Neumann, member of the Jewish Agency executive, also adopted a resolution expressing “warmest greetings” to Dr. Abba Hillel Silver and emphasizing that his absence from the official Zionist leadership is considered “temporary.” “We will continue to look to him for guidance and inspiration in the days to come,” the resolution said.

The Z.O.A. national convention at which a new president is to be elected is expected to take place in June. At the meeting yesterday, Dr. Neumann pointed out that the process of adjustment between the Zionist movement and the State of Israel is still in its early stage. “American Zionists,” he said, “have been deeply offended by injudicious and intemperate remarks occasionally made by Israeli spokesmen. We are fully entitled to resent such remarks. We must also be on our guard against letting our feelings destroy our judgment or affect our policies.”

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