
EST 1917

Yeshiva Will Be Opened in Switzerland on May 3

April 15, 1927
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

A Yeshiva, to be known as the Ez Chaim Yeshiva, will be opened at Montreux on May 3rd. Instruction will be given in the Bible, Talmud with commentaries, Shulchan Aruch, Jewish Ethics. Pupils who have no means will be enrolled without payment of fees.

Mrs. Siegmund Herzog, who has been serving as Chairman of the Functioning Committee of the Jewish Welfare Federation of Cleveland, Ohio, has been asked to serve as Acting President of the Federation. Mrs. Herzog was the first president of the Conference of Jewish Women’s Organizations of Cleveland and for several years, President of the Cleveland Council of Jewish Women. She is Chairman of the Department of Community Cooperation of the National Council of Jewish Women.

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