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Women to Acquire Palestine Tract

A tract of land in Palestine, to be acquired in the name of the women’s division of the Jewish National Fund, is the purpose of a campaign for funds, Mrs. P. M. Raskin, head of the women’s division, announced. The Women’s Division plans to concentrate its efforts on the acquiring of the tract and will […]

March 24, 1929
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

A tract of land in Palestine, to be acquired in the name of the women’s division of the Jewish National Fund, is the purpose of a campaign for funds, Mrs. P. M. Raskin, head of the women’s division, announced.

The Women’s Division plans to concentrate its efforts on the acquiring of the tract and will act as subsidiary to the Jewish National Fund.

The New York group will hold its first public meeting at the Pennsylvania Hotel on Wednesday afternoon, March 27th.

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