
EST 1917

Wide Distribution of Anti-semitic Material Reported in Massachusetts

March 7, 1962
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Evidence of religious and racial discriminations practiced by clubs in New England, and reports of anti-Semitic literature being disseminated in the Western part of the state, were given here to a meeting of the board of directors of the New England region of B’nai B’rith’s Anti-Defamation League.

Analysing the ADL’s recent national survey of club discriminations, Morton R. Godine of Brookline, told the board that the study had shown 68 percent of the clubs in New England practiced racial or religious discrimination.

Isadore Zack, of the ADL’s civil rights staff, reported that there has been wide distribution of anti-Semitic materials in the area of Pittsfield, Springfield, Holyoke and North-Ampton, all in the Western part of Massachusetts. The material, he said, bore the imprint of the American Nazi Party. He also reported on the activities of “radical right-wing” groups in New England. Leon J. Kowal, of Newton, was chairman of the board-meeting.

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