
EST 1917

“who’s Who in American Jewry” for 1926-27 Lists 2,527

January 27, 1927
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

More Jews in the United States have attained distinction in the field of medicine than in other professions, according to the first edition of the “Who’s Who in Americar Jewry” for 1926-1927, Which has just been published by the Jewish Biographical Bureau, 1400 Brodway, New York City. The volume includes biographical data on 2,527 American Jews. Four hundred and fourteen of those listed are physicians or surgeons.

“Who’s Who in American Jewry” lists among American Jews only 4 poets, 56 educators, 13 instructors, 57 scientists. 3 labor leaders, 10 singers, 7 motion picture producers, 9 theatrical producers, 10 playwrights, 34 actors, 50 social service and welfare workers, 50 social service and welfare workers, 52 communal workers, 23 civic workers, 10 philanthropists, and 38 journalists, 60 bankers, 9 brokers, 7 capitalists, and 19 large real estate operators.

There are 11 Jews in Congress and 13 in legislative halls throughout the country. Of the noted American publishers, 24 are Jews. There are three famous Jewish officers in the Army, and one in the Navy.

The lawyers listed form the next largest group after the physicians, numbering 310. There are 277 rabbis, 125 engineers, 98 artists, 80 musicians, 93 professors, 94 merchants, 32 manufacturers and 37 chemists.

The compilation of “Who’s Who in American Jewry” is the result of replies to a questionnaire, it was stated. Many names have been omitted which should have been included, the editors declared. Some persons, the editors of the volume stated, preferred to be omitted rather than associate their names with those of their racial colleagues and a few even rejected with indignation the proposal of being included in a volume where their Jewish identity would become a matter of public knowledge.

Among the letters received by the publishers of the volume was one from Leopold Auer, noted musician and teacher. It had been generally understood that Mr. Auer is a Jew. In his letter to the publishers Mr. Auer asserts that he is not an American Jew, and that he was converted to the Greek Catholic Church sixty years ago.

The Board of Editors of the volume consists of Dr. Nathan Krass, Dr. A. A. Roback, Dr. Mordecai Soltes, Dr. Herbert S. Goldstein, Dr. Adolph Stern, Max D. Steuer, Joseph Barondess, Emanuel Celler and Abram I. Elkus.

A committee is being formed in Buffalo, N. Y. to take charge of the local American Christian Fund for Jewish Relief.

Representatives of all Christian churches will be included on the committee. Bishop Tumer will preside at a mass meeting in April.

On February 6, in Philadelphia, the movement will sponsor a mass meeting, at which Cardinal Daugherty will preside. Others who will take active part in the Philadelphia meeting are Ernest T. Trigg. chairman: General Atterbury. president of the Pennsylvania Rail-road; Effingham Morris; Samuel Vauelain, president Baldwin Locomotive Works; James G. Flaherty of the K. of C., Justice Monaghan and E. P. Albrecht.

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