
EST 1917

Voronoff Called to Turkey to Improve Breed of Sheep Through Gland Grafting

January 29, 1928
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Dr. Serge Voronoff, Russian Jewish scientist, will proceed to Turkey at the request of Turkey’s dictator. Mustapha Kemal Pasha, to introduce his method of gland grafting in the improvement of the breed of sheep.

Dr. Voronoff. has been experimenting with the grafting of glands in sheep and has found that the rejuvenated sheep produce better stock. From Turkey Dr. Voronoff intends to go to Syria and Palestine.

Dr. Serge Voronoff is the son of a so-called “Nicholas soldier.” During the reign of Nicholas I in Russia Jewish children were kidnapped and drafted into life service in the Czar’s army. They were known as “Nicholas Soldiers

Dr. Voronoff has arranged worldwide attention with his experiments in rejuvenation made on persons and animals. It was in this connection that his method of improving the stock by gland grafting became known.

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