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Transjordania Will Be Reunited with Palestine, is Report

Negotiations for Jewish Gendarmerie Under Way Transjordania, the western territory of Palestine, will be reunited next month with the mother country as a separate district, according to reports published in the Arab press, a cable despatch from Jerusalem to the “Jewish Morning Journal” stated* Up to the present Transjordania has been ruled as an Emirate […]

February 16, 1926
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Negotiations for Jewish Gendarmerie Under Way

Transjordania, the western territory of Palestine, will be reunited next month with the mother country as a separate district, according to reports published in the Arab press, a cable despatch from Jerusalem to the “Jewish Morning Journal” stated* Up to the present Transjordania has been ruled as an Emirate by Emir Abdullah, one of the sons of ex-King Hussein of Hedjas.

The despatch also stated that as a result of the dissolution of the British gendarmerie, negotiations are now under way concerning the creation of. a Jewish gendarmerie in the country.

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