
EST 1917

To Honor Famous Chassidic Rabbi Tonight

October 28, 1929
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

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Orthodox, Conservative and Reform Jewish leaders have joined in a committee to honor Rabbi Joseph Isaac Schneursohn, Chassidic leader of Riga. Latvia, formerly of Soviet Russia, known as the Lubavitscher Rebbe, who is now on a visit to this country.

Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, Ludwig Vogelstein, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations, Judge Otto A. Rosalsky, Congressman William W. Cohen, Rabbi M. S. Margolis, Dean of the Orthodox Rabbinate in the United States, Dr. Samuel Schulman and Dr. Nathan Krass, are members of the committee which is tendering a dinner in honor of Rabbi Schneursohn tonight at the Jewish Center, 131 W. 86th St., New York. Morris Asinof is Chairman of the dinner committee.

The famous Rabbi whose arrest by the Soviet Government in 1927 and subsequent release after a period of exile attracted world-wide attention, came to this country several weeks ago after visiting Palestine.

A “court”, in accordance with Chassidic custom, was temporarily set up at 184 Brooklyn Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y., where the Rabbi’s admirers and followers from all parts of the country gather to receive his blessing and to seek his counsel concerning their personal and business matters. The descendant of a Chassidic “dynasty” which exercised great spiritual power and influence over scores of thousands of Jews in Russia and in Eastern Europe for the past hundred and fifty years, Rabbi Schneursohn earned an (Continued on Page 4)

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