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Tithe Will Be Abolished in Palestine

(Jewish Telegraphic Agency) The tithe, the ancient form of taxation on agricultural products still prevalent in Palestine, will be abolished and a modern system of taxation will be substituted. A special commission to inquire into the methods of substituting the tithe was appointed by the High Commissioner. Mr. Johnson, Assistant Treasurer of the Palestine Government, […]

March 16, 1926
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

The tithe, the ancient form of taxation on agricultural products still prevalent in Palestine, will be abolished and a modern system of taxation will be substituted.

A special commission to inquire into the methods of substituting the tithe was appointed by the High Commissioner. Mr. Johnson, Assistant Treasurer of the Palestine Government, was appointed chairman of the commission.


Mile Maxa Nordau, the distinguished artist, will deliver a series of lectures in various cities in the United States, under the auspices of the “Jewish Daily Bulletin.”

The series, which is a part of the lecture services arranged by the “Jewish Daily Bulletin,” was made possible through an arrangement between the “Bulletin” and the Seven Arts Feature Syndicate. This series, like that of Professor Smertenko, is intended as a service to the Jewish communities in the United States and will afford an opportunity to the Jewish public in America to acquaint itself with the personality of one of the founders and theoreticians of the Zionist movement.

Mile. Nordau will speak on the following subjects: “Dr. Nordau. the Zionist”; “My Father in Exile”; “Personal Reminiscences of My Father”: “Dr. Nordan, the Critic.”

Mile. Nordau will lecture from March 25 to April 2.

Communities or organizations desirous of availing themselves of this opportunity are requested to communicate with the “Jewish Daily Bulletin.” 611, Broadway, New York.

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