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Testing, Testing, on Mt, Sinai

Should a peace treaty between Israel and Egypt be signed at Mt. Sinai — as suggested by President Anwar Sadat but so for rejected by Premier Menachem Begin — the world’s television media would be prepared for the event. A special team of the Israeli Communications Ministry has been testing the possibility in recent weeks […]

March 9, 1979
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Should a peace treaty between Israel and Egypt be signed at Mt. Sinai — as suggested by President Anwar Sadat but so for rejected by Premier Menachem Begin — the world’s television media would be prepared for the event. A special team of the Israeli Communications Ministry has been testing the possibility in recent weeks with equipment purchased in the U.S.

The mountain where, according to the Bible, Moses was given the Ten Commandments, will be illuminated by floodlights when the treaty is finally signed so there will be no problem of lighting. The Israeli technicians found that with the assistance of one relay station at the Santo Katherina monastery at the foot of the mountain, a treaty-signing ceremony could be beamed to Eilot, thence to Jerusalem and from there, via satellite all over the globe. Both audio and visual signals were found to be clear.

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