
EST 1917

Temporary Restraining Order Continued Against Jewish Anti-poverty Group

May 15, 1975
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

State Supreme Court Judge Sidney Fine continued yesterday a temporary restraining order barring the Association of Jewish Anti-Poverty Workers from disrupting activities of the Metropolitan New York Coordinating Council on Jewish Poverty, The temporary order, issued by Fine last week, also named S. Elly Rosen, executive director of the Association and president of the Council for the Jewish Poor, described as the Association’s working arm, and Mordechai Rosen, the official’s brother.

Fine took under advisement a petition by the Coordinating Council for a preliminary injunction against the Association and its officers at the hearing today. He did not set a date for the hearing on the injunction request.

The Rosen brothers and Morris Schwartz, a volunteer, were arrested on May 6 in the Coordinating Council office on charges of criminal trespass and harassment filed by Rabbi Jack Simcha Cohen, Coordinating Council executive director. The Association has been protesting a Coordinating Council decision to halt an annual grant of $24,000 to the Association. The funds will be out off next July 1. The Rosens and Schwartz are scheduled for an appearance on those charges on May 22 in New York City Criminal Court.

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