
EST 1917

Survivors Will Get 5,000,000 Marks Compensation for “aryanized” Famous Dept. Store

April 2, 1951
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Survivors of the Tietz family, which owned one of the largest department stores in Germany until the Nazis came to power, will receive 5,000,000 German marks in compensation for the “Aryanization” of the Tietz Department Store by the Nazi regime in 1933, it was reported here today. The sum is to be paid over a period of four years, the report said.

The survivors sought to be named partners in the Kaufhaus Company that took over control of the store, or else to receive 16,100,000 marks in compensation. Soon after the Nazis “aryanized” the Tietz establishment in 1933, the Gestapo arrested Dr. Ludwig Tietz, son of the owner, and boat him severely for several hours in a cell causing his death.

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