
EST 1917

South Carolina Temple Sisterhoods Reelect Officers

May 4, 1930
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Re-election of all officers of the South Carolina State Federation of Temple Sisterhoods featured the final session of the three-day annual convention held here yesterday. Sumter was chosen for the next convention city.

Officers who will continue to lead the organization are Mrs. Henry Hirschmann, Charleston, president; Mrs. I. W. Jacobi, Greenville, first vice-president; Mrs. S. C. Brown, Charleston, second vice-president; Mrs. Leon Schlossburg, Camden, recording secretary; Mrs. J. S. Raisin, Charleston, corresponding secretary, and Mrs. T. E. Jarrott, Florence, treasurer.

Principal speakers from other sections participating in the state convention were Mrs. Maurice Steinfeld, of St. Louis, president of the National Federation of Temple Sisterhoods, and Rabbi G. F. Falk, of Cincinnati. In her address Mrs. Steinfeld urged the women to assume the responsibility of “carrying religion into the home.”

The Darlington Sisterhood was awarded the Lumiansky memorial cup for the greatest number of honor points in the annual state contest.

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