
EST 1917

Services Today for Dr. Caspar Levias,linguist

February 21, 1934
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Funeral services were held here today for Dr. Caspar Levias,author and student of languages, who died sunday at his home .He was 72 years old.Rabbi Solomon Foster, who officiated ,was as sisted by Dr. Joshua Rloch,head of the Semitics department of the New York Public Library.

Dr. Levias,who was born in Russia,came here as a young man. He was educated in the public schools and in Columbia. and Johns Ho#ins Universities. For a time he was a Fellow in Oriental Languages in both institutions.

He was principal of the Plant Memerial Hebrew School here from 1910 until the time of his retirement several years ago.He was a linguist of note.Among the books he wrote are a Hebrew dictionary and Aramaic and Hebrew grammars.He also published “A Grammar of the Aramaic Idiom as Contained.” He is survived by his widow and a daughter.

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