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Sen. Dodd to Seek Stronger U.S. Stand on Anti-jewish Acts in Russia

February 5, 1963
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

United States Senator Thomas J. Dodd, Connecticut Democrat, announced here today that he will exert new pressures on the State Department in Washington for the recall of the American Ambassador to Moscow as a protest against the continuing “inhuman persecutions of the Jewish people” in Russia and against Russia’s “systematic efforts to destroy Jewish culture and Jewish religion. ” He had made such a request last June, but the State Department has not acted on the recall of its Moscow envoy.

In an interview with the Connecticut Jewish Ledger, Sen. Dodd said he was dissatisfied “with the mute disapproval” of Russia’s anti-Jewish acts which has so far been the policy of the State Department, “If our disapproval is to have any meaning, ” he said, “it must be publicly voiced and it must be re-enforced by diplomatic demonstrations, such as the temporary recall of our Ambassador for the announced purpose of discussing the problem of Jewish persecution in the Soviet Union.”

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