
EST 1917

Seeking Olim for the Golan

December 18, 1981
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The Golan law passed this week is an “historic” act which might “kindle the spark of aliya among diaspora youth,” according to Rafael Kotlowitz (Herut), the chairman of the Jewish Agency aliya department.

In an address this week in Tel Aviv, Kotlowitz said his department would try now to attract olim to the Golan townships and settlements with the added incentive provided by the new law. “We will bring the word of the new law to the diaspora as a challenge and as a national goal, and we will do all we can to channel new olim to the Golan,” he declared.

Kotlowitz flew to Bucharest today for two weeks as guest of the Rumanian Jewish community. He said before departure that he intended to convey to the Rumanian community of some 40,000 Jews the opportunities and prospects provided by the possibility of aliya to Israel.

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