
EST 1917

Secretary Hull Awarded American Hebrew Medal

November 21, 1941
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Secretary of State Cordell Hull today was awarded the American Hebrew Medal Award for 1941 in recognition of his services to the country “in a time of grave national crisis” and particularly for his contribution to the cause of “better understanding between Christians and Jews”, it was announced by Joseph H. Biben, editor and publisher of The American Hebrew.

Acknowledging the award, Mr. Hull expressed” profound gratitude and best thanks,” adding that “to be made the recipient of this fine honor which has been awarded in the past to such distinguished persons as President Franklin D. Roosevelt, the Honorable Myron C. Taylor, the Honorable Newton D. Baker, and others, appeals to me greatly.” The American Hebrew Medal Award was established in the Fall of 1929 to mark the fifth anniversary of the publication. The official citation under which the Secretary of State was selected as the Medal Award recipient, reads: “Because in his Lincolnesque manner he has repeatedly warned the country against the dangers of Nazism from within and from without; because with true greatness and simplicity he has set forth the national policy and has given of himself, the best in him, in the interests of better understanding and human freedom.”

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