
EST 1917

Schottland to Head Social Welfare School at Brandeis University

December 1, 1958
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Charles I, Schottland. whose resignation as United States Commissioner of Social Security was accepted “with regret” by the White House, has been named Dean of the Florence Heller Graduate School for Advanced Studies in Social Welfare at Brandeis University. Dean Schottland will assume his duties at Brandeis shortly, it was announced here today by the University. The school is the first professional school of social work in the country to offer programs of study only on the doctoral and postgraduate level.

Singer Eddie Fisher has set up two music scholarships at Brandeis University here in the name of Eddie Cantor, the man who gave him his first chance in show business. The scholarships, to begin next fall, will be a $2,000 annual award in modern music and a $4,000 four-year award for classical music.

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