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Reich Youth Go to Palestine

More than 800 German Jewish boys and girls between the ages of fifteen and seveenteen have registered their applications for Palestine visas on the basis of 350 certificates received here from the Jewish Agency for Palestine for German youths under eighteen. The first group of forty-five youths will leave for Ain Charod, Palestine, on February […]

February 7, 1934
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

More than 800 German Jewish boys and girls between the ages of fifteen and seveenteen have registered their applications for Palestine visas on the basis of 350 certificates received here from the Jewish Agency for Palestine for German youths under eighteen.

The first group of forty-five youths will leave for Ain Charod, Palestine, on February 12. Nine ner grups will follow the first, including two groups of girls trained at the Talpioth girls farm and the religious group Kibbuz Rodges. The German Jewish youths who go to Palestine, will be trained in agriculture for two years and their general education continued at the same time. The cost of the training for the German Jewish youths will be divided, lf the group have parents who will pay the cost, while the other half will be provided for from Jewish funds.

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