
EST 1917

Rabbi Siegel at Nixon’s Inaugural

January 17, 1973
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Rabbi Seymour Siegel, professor of theology at the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, will deliver the invocation at President Nixon’s inauguration in Washington Saturday, the Jewish Telegraphic Agency learned today. He will be participating in the ceremonies with Roman Catholic, Protestant and Eastern Orthodox clergymen. Rabbi Siegel told the JTA that the Inaugural Committee has provided him with a hotel within walking distance of the inauguration site. He said the use of a microphone and appearance on television on the Sabbath is not a violation according to the Conservative interpretation of Jewish law. Rabbi Siegel, who recalled that it has been customary for a rabbi to participate in Presidential inaugurations since the inauguration of President Truman in 1949, was active in the campaign to re-elect Nixon.

Leon Dultzin, Treasurer of the Jewish Agency, contended yesterday that Israel has the right to claim any of the territories it presently occupies. Addressing the Conference of European Jewish Communities in London convened by the World Jewish Congress, Dultzin said he was not offering any blue-print for negotiations with the Arabs. “But I do say as an article of faith, that none of us has any right to renounce any part of Ereiz Israel.”

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