
EST 1917

Rabbi Louis Grossman of Cincinnati Dies

September 26, 1926
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

(Jewish Daily Bulletin)

The body of Dr. Louis Grossman, rabbi of the Plum Street Temple Congregation in this city for thirty years and rabbi emeritus when he died, will arrive from Detroit today, accompanied by Dr. Grossman’s brothers, Dr. Rudolph Grossman of New York and C. Grossman of Chicago and will lie in state in the temple.

The funeral services will be conducted by Rabbi James G. Heller, rabbi of the temple; his father, Rabbi Max Heller of New Orleans, a classmate of the deceased in college and university; Dr. Julian Morgenstern, President of the Hebrew Union College, and Dr. Leo M. Franklin.

Dr. Grossman has been principal of the Teachers’ Institute of the Hebrew Union College from 1909 to 1921.

Rabbi Grossman, who was sixty-three years of age, was a former President of the Jewish Religious Educational Association and of Hebrew Union College, Cincinnati. He founded a number of Hebrew educational and religious organizations, including the Western Association of Jewish Ministers, of which he was honorary president.

Rabbi Grossman was a noted lecturer and the author of a score of books. Among his last literary works was the “Science of Comparative Religions,” a treatise on modern and ancient theology, and the Biography of Isaac M. Wise, Jewish educator.

Dr. Grossman was born in Vienna, Austria, Feb. 24, 1863, the son of Rabbi Ignatz and Nettie Rosenbaum Grossman. Rudolph G. Grossman is a brother.

Coming to the United States as a youth he entered the University of Cincinnati and in 1884 received his Bachelor of Arts degree there. In the same years he also completed his rabbinical training at Hebrew Union College, which gave him a D.D. five years later and a Doctorate of Hebrew Law in 1922.

For the first fourteen years of his career he was rabbi of Temple Beth El in Detroit, from 1884 to 1898. Then followed twenty-four years as rabbi of the Congregation B’nai Jeshurun in Cincinnati. Recently he had been attached to the Plum Street Temple in that city. His other affiliations were many, as educator, editor and leader. He served several terms as President of the Central Conference of American Rabbis, and he was Professor of Ethics, Theology and Pedagogy at Hebrew Union College from 1898 to 1922.

A Community Center of Congregation Beth Israel will be erected in Richmond Hill, L. I. The cornerstone will be laid Sunday, Oct. 3, and a campaign for $150,000 will be conducted from October 3rd to October 10th, under the direction of the Jewish Welfare Board.

David M. Wolff is Chairman of the Campaign Committee.

Organization of the Miami Beach, Fla., Jewish Community Center was effected at a meeting held Sunday night, the week before the hurricane disaster. The officers elected were: Jack Solomon, president; Harry Katzman, vice president; Samuel Abraham, treasurer; Bessie Dickman, secretary.

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