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Prominent Visitors Come to Palestine

(Jewish Telegraphic Agency) Leonard Monteflore, president of the Anglo-Jewish Association and representative of the Jewish Colonization Association, is expected to arrive here next week. Sixty Bulgarian scholars, members of a delegation which is making a tour of the Middle East to study the economic and political conditions, is expected to arrive here shortly. Leaders of […]

March 9, 1927
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Leonard Monteflore, president of the Anglo-Jewish Association and representative of the Jewish Colonization Association, is expected to arrive here next week.

Sixty Bulgarian scholars, members of a delegation which is making a tour of the Middle East to study the economic and political conditions, is expected to arrive here shortly.

Leaders of the anti-Zionist Palestine Arab Executive will attempt to see Sir John E. Shuckburgh, assistant under-state secretary of the Colonial Office, who is touring the country. It was also stated that the Executive is preparing a memorandum to be submitted at the forthcoming session of the Permanent Mandates Commission of the League of Nations.

Samuel Untermyer, who is on a tour around the world, is expected to arrive here in April.

New Rochelle (N. Y.) officials and prominent Jewish leaders attended the dedication services for the new Hebrew Institute Building in that city.

Among the speakers were Mayor Benjamin B. Badeau, of New Rochelle; former Mayor Harry Scott, Abraham Shinn, president of the institute; Maurice Levine. Louis Marshall and Rabbi Margolis of Mount Vernon.

The drive to raise New Bedford’s quota of $10,000 for the United Palestine Appeal was launched last Sunday at a meeting held in the Tifereth Israel Synagogue. Samuel Barnet heads the campaign.

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