
EST 1917

Poll Shows About 70 Percent of Israelis Favor Continued Jewish Settlements on the West Bank

February 18, 1981
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

A public opinion poll just taken shows that about 70 percent of Israelis favor continued Jewish settlements on the West Bank in one form or another and extension of Israeli rule over the Golan Heights.

The poll taken by the Modi’ in Ezrachi Applied Research Center for the Jerusalem Post, said 40.9 percent of those polled favor Jewish settlements in all parts of the West Bank under certain conditions: 26.7 percent in all parts of the largely Arab area; and only 2.4 percent outside the populated centers. It said 26.3 percent opposed Jewish settlements in the West Bank under any condition.

Asked about Israeli rule on the Golan Heights, 68.3 percent reported being in favor and 26.6 percent against. Asked if a tough line in the occupied territories advanced the cause of peace, 25.7 percent thought it did, 38.4 percent thought it had no influence and 30 percent thought a tough policy impaired the peace prospects.

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