
EST 1917

Palestinian Jews of Los Angeles Organize Selves

July 25, 1930
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

With the words of the Psalmist, “If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget its cunning,” ringing through the Modern Social Center of Los Angeles, a group of Los Angeles citizens, natives of Palestine, formed the first organization of its kind in the Southwest, under the name of “Agudath Eretz Israel of Los Angeles.”

The preliminary work of organizing Palestinian born residents of Los Angeles was conducted by Rabbi S. M. Neches, head of the largest Orthodox congregation in this city, and in the election of officers, Rabbi Neches are chosen president. Abraham Fleishman was elected vice-president; Rev. I. N. Lowenthal, treasurer; Rev. N. Masovetzky, financial secretary, and Mrs. Miriam Berg, recording secretary.

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