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Palestine’s Industries Expanding; Wire Factory Started

Electric wire, medicinal remedies and flour are some of the domestic products being put on the market as the Holy Land’s industry expands. The Electric Wire Co. of Palestine, capitalized at $125,000, has begun production, encouraged by the recent prohibition of wire imports from Germany. Operating on two shifts, it can produce $200,000 to $250,000 […]

April 11, 1937
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Electric wire, medicinal remedies and flour are some of the domestic products being put on the market as the Holy Land’s industry expands.

The Electric Wire Co. of Palestine, capitalized at $125,000, has begun production, encouraged by the recent prohibition of wire imports from Germany. Operating on two shifts, it can produce $200,000 to $250,000 worth of wire annually.

The Hilel Remedy Factory here has increased the number of preparations it is marketing from 17 to 25. Under an agreement with the Zori Company, it will cooperate in the production of a new heart remedy to be marketed under the name “Digitovin.” It is made from digitalis lanata, which it is proposed to plant in Palestine.

A $25,000 flour mill with a 6.8-ton daily grinding capacity is nearing completion here and production will begin shortly. Construction had been begun on another $25,000 mill which will be completed in September and have a 12-ton daily capacity.

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