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Palestine Government Showing Favouritism to Jews Palestine Arabs Complain to High Commissioner

Alleged favouritism shown by the Government to the Jews was the subject of a complaint lodged with the High Commissioner, Sir John Chancellor, to-day by a delegation consisting of the members of the Administrative Committee of the Palestine Arab Executive. The Government had allowed Jews to purchase on easy terms 6,000 dunams of land in […]

April 23, 1931
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Alleged favouritism shown by the Government to the Jews was the subject of a complaint lodged with the High Commissioner, Sir John Chancellor, to-day by a delegation consisting of the members of the Administrative Committee of the Palestine Arab Executive. The Government had allowed Jews to purchase on easy terms 6,000 dunams of land in Beisan, without extending similar facilities to the Arabs, the delegation complained, asserting that the land owned by the Jews was not being cultivated, while the Arabs, were working the land which they occupy.

The delegation also protested against the banishment of the headmen of the Arab village of Mahlul, after the affray in which the watchman of the Jewish colony of Nahalal had been shot. The sheiks had been given no opportunity of consulting a lawyer, the delegation complained.

Notwithstanding the fact that the official statement issued by the Government on the 17th. inst., that the Arab shepherds had attacked the Jews in the Wady Havarit area, the delegation alleged that the fight was started by the Jews who wanted to rekindle the flame of hatred in this area, where, they said, the Arabs are infuriated and starving on account of the Zionist occupation.

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