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Palestine Citrus Put on Sale in Canada

Palestinian oranges and grapefruit grown in Jewish-owned groves are being placed on sale in large quantities in Canada through Yakhin, Palestine agricultural association, according to information from Tel Aviv made public by the Yakhin office here. The Yakhin, a branch of the Histadruth, Jewish general federation of labor, also announced that the largest insurance companies […]

February 12, 1937
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Palestinian oranges and grapefruit grown in Jewish-owned groves are being placed on sale in large quantities in Canada through Yakhin, Palestine agricultural association, according to information from Tel Aviv made public by the Yakhin office here.

The Yakhin, a branch of the Histadruth, Jewish general federation of labor, also announced that the largest insurance companies in Palestine had joined it in insuring orange groves since many English companies were refusing to write policies as a result of recent disorders.

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