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Negotiations but Not “official” Negotiations Between Palestine Arab Executive and Palestine Governme

The Palestine Arab Executive is constantly in touch with the High Commissioner, Sir John Chancellor, and with others, as is their duty in order to avert the perils arising out of the Anglo-Jewish negotiations, the Arab organ “Felestin” writes today. There are no “official” negotiations with the Government, however, it continues, backing up the statement […]

April 29, 1931
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The Palestine Arab Executive is constantly in touch with the High Commissioner, Sir John Chancellor, and with others, as is their duty in order to avert the perils arising out of the Anglo-Jewish negotiations, the Arab organ “Felestin” writes today. There are no “official” negotiations with the Government, however, it continues, backing up the statement issued by the Palestine Arab Executive this week denying that the Arab leaders had consented to “official parleys”.

There must be no deviation, the “Felestin” warns its readers, from the resolution adopted by the Palestine Arab Executive, so long as the MacDonald letter to Dr. Weizmann is not recalled and there is no Parliament established in Palestine.

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