
EST 1917

Mussolini is Attacked by Nazi Periodical

March 2, 1934
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

For the first time a Nazi newspaper today made a direct attack upon premler Benito Mussolini and the Italina Fascist regime.

In a bitter article, the Dresden Freiheitskampf, (Struggle For Freedom), derlded the Italian Premier for appointing Jews to the Italian Academy of Science, thus demonstrating the difference between the Nazi and Fascist government.

Italian newspapers, including influential periodicals regarded as government mouthpieces, have attacked the Nazi regime a number of times, ridiculing them particularly for their racial theories and pointing out that the Jew in Italy is a good citizen and highly thought of by the Italian Fascist government.

The Nazi regime has claimed that it has patterned itself on the Italian Fascists and high Nazi officials have paid numerous visits to Italy.

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