
EST 1917

Moroccan Jewish Leaders Leave for the Aix-les-bains Peace Talks

August 26, 1955
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Jacques Dahan, secretary general of the Board of Moroccan Jewish Deputies, accompanied by Dr. Leon Ben Zaquen, left today for Aix-les-Bains, where the French Premier is negotiating with Moroccan leaders on restoring peace and order in Morocco.

At the same time M. Toledano, secretary general of the Moroccan Central Committee of the World Jewish Congress, left Casablanca today for a meeting with leaders of the WJC executive. Prior to his departure, Mr. Toledano indicated that his views on the Moroccan Jewish situation differ from the views held by Mr. Daha.

Jewish refugees in Mazagan who had fled from the Jewish section of the city when Moslem mobs started to burn Jewish chouses on Sunday, are now slowly beginning to return to their homes. However, about 200 of them will not be able to return because their homes have been burned to the very ground. Altogether 1,700 Jews fled from the Jewish quarter of Mazagan. Of them, 1,500 have found shelter in a sport club in the European section of the town and about 200 have been given shelter by relatives.

It is now established that 26 Jewish houses have been plundered and set afire in the Mellah, the Jewish quarter, of Mazagan. A school maintained by the Alliance Israelite there was also attacked. The Joint Distribution Committee has provided food and blankets for the Jewish refugees, who are also being helped by the OSE and other Jewish organizations.

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