
EST 1917

Mississippi Man Admits Beating Rabbi Lelyveld; Held in $2,500 Bail

July 20, 1964
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

A white farmer has admitted that he and his uncle, now in a mental institution, beat up Rabbi Arthur J. Lelyveld, of Cleveland, and two students working in the Negro voter registration drive here. Police said they arrested the 32 year-old farmer, Estes Keyes, of Collins, charging him with assault and battery and intent to maim, and have issued a warrant for his uncle’s arrest. Keyes was released on $2,500 bail, pending action by the Forrest County grand jury, which meets August 3.

Two men jumped out of a truck on a highway along which Rabbi Lelyveld was walking with the civil rights workers 10 days ago. They beat the rabbi with an iron bar and he was hospitalized for a day;

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