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Mcfadden’s Attacks on Jews Not Based on Religion, He Says

June 12, 1934
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

When Representative Louis T. Mc-Fadden of Pennsylvania makes a radio talk or Public address against the Jews, it is not an attack upon them because of their religion. This was made clear by the Congressman in a debate on the floor of the House in reply to a question propounded by Representative Herman P. Koppleman of Connecticut.

The House had under consideration a bill for government regulation of interstate and foreign communications by wire and radio and Representative McFadden argued against the proposal on the ground that its enactment would mean censorship of radio and wire communication.


Representative McFadden charged that at present without such a regulatory law in effect relative to radio, “there is no fair distribution of time in opposition to the various doctrines that are disseminated throughout the country today, and much of this kind of stuff is broadcast with no opportunity to answer. The air is full of it.”

At this point Representative Kopplemann called the Pennsylvanian’s attention to the fact that several weeks ago over station WOL in Washington, Representative McFadden “found no difficulty, evidently, in delivering the address over the radio, which had for its purpose an attack upon a defenseless and Innocent people on account of their religion. Did the gentleman have any difficulty in voicing his mean statements?” Representative Kopplemann asked McFadden.

In reply the Pennsylvanian said, “I will say to the gentleman in reply, regardless of the motive that I was invited to deliver that address to which the gentleman refers. It was not, however, an attack upon the Jews because of their religion.”

Representative Kopplemann is interested in finding out how it was that radio station WOL permitted Representative McFadden to broadcast a talk, the text of which, he believes, could arouse racial hatred. The Connecticut member of the House has communicated with the radio station in an effort to get at the facts of the incident.


Representative McFadden previously had delivered several similar talks. Some of these are in the hands of the Congressional committee investigating propaganda activities in the United States. Representative John W. McCormack, committee chairman, has had his personal attention called to the most recent radio talk by Representative McFadden and it is expected that the committee will try to find out why McFadden chooses to level attacks against the Jews. The committee chairman has repeatedly stated his opposition to all forms of activities which tend to promote racial and religious hatred and bitterness.

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