Strive to Complete $2,000,000 Quota for B’nai Brith Educational Program (Jewish Daily Bulletin)
Interest in the Wider Scope Campaign of the Independent Order B’nai Brith is stimulated by the establishment of the new Hillel Foundation at Cornell University, which will start to function with the next semester, according to reports received at I. O. B. B. headquarters here.
The General Committee of District No. 1, reiterated its endorsement of the Wider Scope Committee effort and Maurice Bloch, President of the District, issued a call to representatives of the various communities to start organization for the immediate launching of the campaigns in their respective territories.
Notwithstanding the fact that District No. 2 has raised in excess of their alloted quota, the leaders are still making an effort to obtain new subscriptions and cover the entire territory. Special efforts are being made to collect the second installment on subscriptions, and a large part of it has already been collected.
In addition to the continuous endeavor of Judge Joseph L. Kun, chairman of the Wider Scope in District No. 3, the newly elected President. Isidor W. Jacobs, is stimulating immediate action toward the launching of the campaign in territories still uncovered. District No. 3, is especially interested in the Hillel Foundation at Morgantown, W. Va., which is now in the process of organization. Morris Sostrin is in the field and Rabbi Baron of Uniontown, has assumed the duties of director of this unit. In this district a traveling exhibit of Jewish art, which represents the collection of sixty-eight reproductions of modern Jewish artists, is being exhibited.
Washington, D. C. is conducting an intensive campaign toward the completion of its quota of $25,000, the I.O. B.B. announcement states. Judge Joseph L. Kun, addressed a joint session of the Argo Lodge and the Brotherhood of the Eighth Street Temple at the Jewish Community Center. He spoke of the necessity for more Hillel Foundations as correctives of the tendency of many young Jews in college to drift to atheism, and thus be lost as leaders in their Jewish communities upon graduation. Joseph A. Wilner, President of District No. 5, issued the following statement: “The Wider Scope movement is more than a campaign for funds. It is, above all, a stimulating influence in the awakening of the Jewish morale. In the clarion call to service it has been a new adventure in the life of the American Jew. It is a challenge to every son of the Covenant. It supplies the stimulus for the perpetuation of Judaism in America.”
Rabbi Abram Simon and Major Julius I. Peyser are participating in the campaign which is under the leader ship of Hyman Goldstein, Chairman of the Wider Scope in Washington and Oscar Leonard, member of the staff of the Wider Scope Committee. A considerable portion of the quota has already been raised.
The campaign in Washington will be followed by campaigns in Atlanta, Ga., Richmond, Va., and other communities in District No. 5.
David S. Komiss, Chairman of the Wider Scope Committee in District No. 6 reports that efforts are being made by his Committee in the District to cover the territory still wanting. Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin are ready to proceed with their endeavors.
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The Archive of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency includes articles published from 1923 to 2008. Archive stories reflect the journalistic standards and practices of the time they were published.