
EST 1917

Lubawitscher Rebbe Sails for Home As Thousands See Him off

July 18, 1930
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

More than two thousand admirers of Rabbi Joseph Schneurson, known as the “Lubawitscher Rebbe”, besieged the “Bremen” on Wednesday night just before the Rebbe’s departure on this ship for Europe. From eight o’clock in the evening, when the Rebbe came to the ship, until one o’clock, when the “Bremen” departed from its Brooklyn pier, hundreds of admirers streamed to the ship to say good-bye to him.

Although it was the desire of the ship’s officials to admit upon the boat only those who had visiting cards, the crowd of two thousand broke through the guard lines and rushed upon the ship’s deck. An impressive scene took place on the deck when the Rebbe blessed all his visitors, and through them all American Jewry.

The Lubawitscher Rebbe, who is leaving for his home in Riga, Latvia, spent nearly a year in this country. His admirers in this country have asked him to remain here, and according to reports this week, it is possible that the Rebbe may soon return to this country to make his home here.

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